Each young person will be allocated a keyworker and their role will be to develop and programme for each Young Person to work towards to develop skills for independence transitioning into adulthood. Our experienced staff will engage the young person formally or informally in a learning programme to evidence the Young Person’s preparation and progression to facilitate a successful and smooth transition and this is dependent on individual needs.
Every young person in our semi-independent accommodation facilities will receive a customized support/care packaged and a devoted support worker based on individual baseline assessments completed using the Star Outcomes Approach. This support package or plan will be part of their plan to eventually move forward independently.
Our Outcomes Star Toolkit is a useful measure of progress or lack of being made by each young person. Staff will deliver appropriate opportunities for young people to enhance their social and personal development. This will include enabling Young People to improve their decision-making skills and opportunities to engage in leisure activities, hobbies and sport depending on their choices. For school and college leavers support will include encouragement to obtain or sustain employment or further education/training.
Key worker critical support role will include supporting the young person to acquire practical, daily life knowledge and skills such as:
Accessing universal support services e.g., youth service
Being responsible for their own self-care, personal hygiene.
How to safely operate home appliances i.e., launder and take care of their clothes.
Routine day-day domestic chores e.g., household cleaning
How to carry out minor maintenance tasks in line with health and safety requirements
Ability to manage finances and develop above average budgetary skills.
Build up on skills, which will allow them to prepare and cook their own meals, giving a balanced and healthy diet.
Developing day to day shopping skills including budgeting
Developing skills and understanding of how to manage unforeseen events for example within the house like plumbing and utility disruption.
Ability to maintain a good physical and mental health and as well welfare including the emotional attributes of living independently.
How to obtain knowledge about and access to health services i.e., NHS, Dentists, Opticians
How to seek/ claim benefits, grants and allowances appropriate to the Young Persons depending on their personal circumstances
Providing support and assistance to personalise the Young Person living space i.e., their bedrooms.
Provide support and assistance to access local leisure/social activities.
Supporting Young People to develop positive daily routines.
Living responsibly in a community environment and building on understanding of citizenship expectations.
Encouraging Young People to engage in appropriate community and targeted events-this could include for example events organised by the Local Authority.
Each young person in our semi-independent accommodation facilities receives a tailored care packaged and a dedicated support worker based on individual assessment. This care package will be part of their plan to eventually move forward independently. Tailored plans include emotional support and practical help in education, health, and day-to-day issues.
In addition, we offer one-to-one support with legal issues, benefits and moving forward with life. Our dedicated staff offer mentoring, relationship-building, self-image, confidence therapy, assist with promoting self-motivation and using local facilities, for example, public transport.
We believe semi-independent support plays a vital role in a young persons’ journey to full independence and that all young people under our care feel included, nurtured, and valued, giving them the best head start in life like everyone else.